Styling Your Entertainment Unit with These Pro Tips

Your entertainment unit isn't just a home for your TV and media devices; it's a central piece of your living room decor. Styling it with intention can transform your space, creating a focal point that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether your style leans toward minimalistic modernity or eclectic chic, follow these tips to style your entertainment unit like a pro. Explore Tanstella's living room furniture collection for every component you need to bring your vision to life.

Chic Entertainment Unit Setup

Creating Harmony with Your Entertainment Unit

  1. Start with the Basics: Choose an entertainment unit that reflects the overall style of your room. Our TV units collection offers a variety of designs that blend seamlessly with any decor, from sleek contemporary pieces to classic wooden styles.

  2. Organize with Intent: Keep it functional yet stylish by organizing your gadgets and devices neatly. Use storage solutions to hide away cords and controllers for a clutter-free look.

  3. Accessorize Thoughtfully: Balance the tech with decorative elements. Consider placing a few carefully selected items on top of the unit, like a vase from our hallway tables collection or statement pieces that can sit alongside your entertainment gadgets without overwhelming the space.

  4. Incorporate Art and Books: Elevate the appeal of your entertainment unit by leaning a couple of art pieces against the wall or arranging a selection of your favorite books. These can add a splash of personality and color, breaking up the potential monotony.

  5. Balance and Symmetry: Play with the arrangement until you achieve a visually pleasing balance. Items of varying heights and sizes, like those from our bookshelves collection, can add interest and depth when appropriately styled.

  6. Lighting: The right lighting can dramatically alter the ambiance of your entertainment area. Consider incorporating makeup mirrors with in-built lighting for a soft glow, creating a cozy watching environment.

  7. Add Greenery: A touch of green can bring life to your entertainment unit. Small indoor plants or a single, elegant flower arrangement can add texture and vibrancy, evoking a sense of freshness.


Q: How do I choose the right entertainment unit for my space?
A: Consider the size of your room and the wall where the unit will go. You'll want something proportional to the space and your TV size. Browse our TV units collection for options suited to various spaces.

Q: How can I hide cables and wires for a cleaner look?
A: Look for entertainment units with built-in cable management systems, or use storage boxes and clips to organize and hide cables behind the unit.

Q: Can I display books on my entertainment unit?
A: Absolutely! Books can add a personal touch and splash of color. Arrange them by color, size, or theme for an organized look. For more significant book collections, consider complementing with a piece from our bookshelves range.

Q: How do I maintain a minimalist look without making the unit look bare?
A: Focus on quality over quantity. Choose a few statement pieces that really speak to your style, and ensure each item has enough space to stand out on its own.

Styling your entertainment unit offers a fabulous opportunity to merge functionality with personal flair, transforming your living room into a stylish and inviting space. With Tanstella's wide range of living room furniture, finding the perfect pieces to complement your entertainment unit and elevate your living space is easier than ever.
