The Ultimate Moving-Out Checklist

Stepping out of the family home and into a space of your own is a rite of passage into adulthood. It's a journey filled with excitement, a fair share of challenges, and countless boxes. Whether you're venturing across the country or just around the corner, moving out requires thorough preparation and a bit of know-how. Here's a comprehensive checklist to guide you through this significant life milestone, with a small section dedicated to ensuring your new abode feels like home, curtesy of Tanstella, your go-to multi-brand store in Australia.

Before the Move

Essential Documentation

  • [ ] Rental Agreement/Lease: Ensure it's signed and keep a digital and physical copy for your records.
  • [ ] Utilities Set-up: Arrange for electricity, water, internet, and gas to be connected by the move-in date.

Financial Planning

  • [ ] Budget: Create a monthly budget to include rent, utilities, food, and emergency savings.
  • [ ] Renters' Insurance: Consider taking out a policy to protect your belongings from potential damages or theft.

Packing Essentials

  • [ ] Declutter: Start by decluttering your current room. If you haven’t used it in a year, you likely don’t need it.
  • [ ] Packing Supplies: Gather boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers for labeling.
  • [ ] Essentials Box: Pack a box of essentials (toiletries, change of clothes, chargers, etc.) to use on the first day/night in your new place.

During the Move


  • [ ] Moving Company: If needed, book a moving company. Ensure they're reputable by checking reviews.
  • [ ] Vehicle Rental: Alternatively, rent a moving van or truck if you're doing it yourself or with friends.

Health & Safety

  • [ ] Emergency Kit: Keep a basic first aid kit handy during the move.
  • [ ] Hydration and Snacks: Moving is physically taxing; keep water and snacks available.

On Arrival

  • [ ] Furniture Assembly: Start with assembling essential furniture - bed, table, chairs.
  • [ ] Utilities Check: Confirm that all utilities are working correctly.

Settling In: Turn Your New House into a Home

While the logistical aspects of moving are critical, making your new space feel like home is equally important. Here's where a few select products from Tanstella can elevate your space from a house to a home:

Bedroom Comforts

Kitchen Necessities

  • Whether you're an experienced chef or a microwave maestro, equipping your kitchen with essential appliances like air fryers and cooktops can make meal preparation a breeze.

Living Space Updates

After Settling In

  • [ ] Explore Your Neighborhood: Take the time to explore your new area and discover local shops, parks, and restaurants.
  • [ ] Meet the Neighbors: Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Building a rapport can help you feel more at home and secure.
  • [ ] Throw a Housewarming Party: Once settled, celebrate this new chapter by inviting friends and family over. It's a lovely way to fill your new space with love, laughter, and good memories.

Moving out of your family home is a significant milestone filled with a mixture of emotions and tasks. By following this checklist, you'll not only navigate the process smoothly but also create a new space that welcomes you warmly into the next chapter of your life. Remember, it's not just about moving out on your own but about creating a personal haven that feels truly like home.